Saturday, May 7, 2011

Living Life to the Fullest

Try these steps:
1. Script your day: in the morning, befroe you get out of bed, visualize your day. See yourself surrounded by peace and love and joy in your life. See yourself on top of the world fulfilling your dreams. Do the same at night in  bed, ready to sleep. 
2. Capture each moment: throughout the day, commit yourself to be so "present" in each activity, that you are able to capture beauty in every single moment of your day. Decide to remain in the "NOW", not allowing the mind to think much of the past or future, but the "here and now" appreciating each moment.
3. Choose to stay in the Power. In other words, do no give your power to others. You can choose not to react to others' behaviors. See others' behaviors toward you as opportunities for you to be loving, compassionate, forgiving. 
4. You are a Spiritual being having a human experience, not the other way around. Become aware of your senses and the beauty around you. Become aware of all the little things in life, the clouds, the trees and plants, the sounds of the birds. Become aware of your physical body and the sensations of your body. Everyone is a Spiritual being. We are here for a brief and temporary journey sharing our experience with our loved ones. Decide not to take them for granted, but enjoy each precious moment with them. 
Living life to the fullest and being happy are our choices. At the end of our lives what matters most is how present we were throughout our journey. Our interactions with others and how loving we were towards ourselves and others. Let's commit today to live life to the fullest, after all, it is transitory and ephemeral. 
-by Laura Bonilla, C.Ht. 

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