Saturday, May 7, 2011

Did you know.....

Did you know that:
-is an herb
-builds the immune system in preparation for winter
-Inhibits viral growth and enhances the immune system on many different levels
-Increases white blood cells and overall ability of the body to scavenge pathogenic bacteria
-strengthens the lungs
-Drink this herbal tea helps with digestion and increases digestive function and enhances nutrient assimilation.
-As a medicine it increases resilience and stamina and invigorates the vital force.
-Helps restore energy levels
-helps with rejuvenation after stressful life situations
-can add it to soup-Just throw 3 to 4 of these sticks into any soup that you make. Add them at the beginning of making the soup. Let them steep in soup broth until soup is eaten.

Here are some recipes:
Astragalus Rice
-3 cups water
-1 cup rice
-3 sticks astragalus
Put all ingredients into a pot.  Turn the stove on high and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, turn the stove down to the lowest setting, put the lid on the pot and cook until rice is ready. Take the astragalus sticks out before serving.

Astragalus Quinoa
-1 cup water
-1 cup quinoa
-2 astragalus sticks
-1 cup chopped seasonal vegetables
Put water, quinoa and astagalus into a pot. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down to the lowest setting. Put the lid on and let cook ten minutes. Add chopped veggies and continue to cook on lowest setting until ready.

Astragalus Tea
-4 cups water
-4 sticks astragalus
Put water and astragalus into a quart jar and let sit at room temperature overnight. In the morning take the sticks out and enjoy the tea. this tea lasta for about 2 days.

Thanks Kami McBride for the info!

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