Saturday, May 7, 2011

Nix Capirotada

Bread Pudding
-1 cup melted butter
-18 slices bread (half sandwich white/half sandwich wheat)
-1 cup chopped pecans
-1/2 cup raisins
-8 slices American cheese
-8 slices Swiss cheese

-2 quarts water
-2 cinnamon sticks
-1 1/2 cups packed dark brown sugar
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spread melted butter on one side of bread slices and put on baking sheet. Bake for about 10 minutes on one side; turn and toast another 5 minutes and then set aside to cool on a wire rack.
In a 9-by-13-inch casserole dish, layer ingredients in order as follows:
Layer 1-6 slices of toasted bread, 1/2 of pecans, 1/2 of raisins and all of American cheese
Layer 2-6 slices of toasted bread, remaining pecans, remaining raisins and all of Swiss cheese
Layer 3-Remeining toasted bread
Slowly pour Syrup over top layer, so it's throughly soaked. Pour syrup in dish to fill it about halfway. Save extra syrup, in case it's needed later. Bake for 1 hour, or until liquid is bubbling and nearly absorbed, and the top layer browns and the center rises. Pour extra liquid over misture, if a very moist capirotada is desired. More cheese may be sprinkled on top, if desired. Serve warm.

For syrup: Combine water, cinnamon sticks, brown sugar and vanilla extract in a large saucepan, bring to a boil and let simmer 15-20 minutes. Set aside until ready to pour on bread mixture.

Makes 10 servings, each 680 calories (50.8 percent calories from fat), 40g fat, 85mg cholesterol, 510 mg sodium, 71 g carbohydrates, 3 g dietary fiber, 15 g protein.

Black Beans and Rice

Hands-on: 10 minutes
Total: 25 min. Serves: 4

-2 Tbsp vegetable oil
-1 onion, chopped
-2 bell peppers, chopped
-1 tsp chili powder
-salt and pepper
-1/2 cup long -grain white rice
-1 (14 oz. )can black beans, drained and rinsed
-1 1/4 cup water

1. Heat oil over medium-high. Add onion and peppers. Saute until soft, 6-7 minutes. Stir in chili powder and season with salt and pepper; cook 1 minute more.
2. Stir in rice, add beans, and wover with water. Boil.
3. Cover; simmmer 12-15 minutes.
4. Remove from heat; let stand 5 minutes, covered.
5. Fluff; serve with sour cream and green onions, if desired.

Living Life to the Fullest

Try these steps:
1. Script your day: in the morning, befroe you get out of bed, visualize your day. See yourself surrounded by peace and love and joy in your life. See yourself on top of the world fulfilling your dreams. Do the same at night in  bed, ready to sleep. 
2. Capture each moment: throughout the day, commit yourself to be so "present" in each activity, that you are able to capture beauty in every single moment of your day. Decide to remain in the "NOW", not allowing the mind to think much of the past or future, but the "here and now" appreciating each moment.
3. Choose to stay in the Power. In other words, do no give your power to others. You can choose not to react to others' behaviors. See others' behaviors toward you as opportunities for you to be loving, compassionate, forgiving. 
4. You are a Spiritual being having a human experience, not the other way around. Become aware of your senses and the beauty around you. Become aware of all the little things in life, the clouds, the trees and plants, the sounds of the birds. Become aware of your physical body and the sensations of your body. Everyone is a Spiritual being. We are here for a brief and temporary journey sharing our experience with our loved ones. Decide not to take them for granted, but enjoy each precious moment with them. 
Living life to the fullest and being happy are our choices. At the end of our lives what matters most is how present we were throughout our journey. Our interactions with others and how loving we were towards ourselves and others. Let's commit today to live life to the fullest, after all, it is transitory and ephemeral. 
-by Laura Bonilla, C.Ht. 

Are you a Sacred Activist?

Take the Quiz!
-Do you have a burning desire to change the world or make a difference?
-Is there a cause or issue that breaks your heart?
-Are you devoted to a spiritual practice such as prayer or meditation?
-Are you concerned about the environment, social justice, nonviolence and personal wellness?
-Are you seeking for deeper meaning in your life?
-Do you believe love is the essence and creative force of life?
-Are you anxious about the current state of the world and looking for a way to pitch in?

If you answered Yes to two or more of these questions then you are being called on to become a Sacred Activist.
Author Andrew Harvey

Did you know.....

Did you know that:
-is an herb
-builds the immune system in preparation for winter
-Inhibits viral growth and enhances the immune system on many different levels
-Increases white blood cells and overall ability of the body to scavenge pathogenic bacteria
-strengthens the lungs
-Drink this herbal tea helps with digestion and increases digestive function and enhances nutrient assimilation.
-As a medicine it increases resilience and stamina and invigorates the vital force.
-Helps restore energy levels
-helps with rejuvenation after stressful life situations
-can add it to soup-Just throw 3 to 4 of these sticks into any soup that you make. Add them at the beginning of making the soup. Let them steep in soup broth until soup is eaten.

Here are some recipes:
Astragalus Rice
-3 cups water
-1 cup rice
-3 sticks astragalus
Put all ingredients into a pot.  Turn the stove on high and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, turn the stove down to the lowest setting, put the lid on the pot and cook until rice is ready. Take the astragalus sticks out before serving.

Astragalus Quinoa
-1 cup water
-1 cup quinoa
-2 astragalus sticks
-1 cup chopped seasonal vegetables
Put water, quinoa and astagalus into a pot. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down to the lowest setting. Put the lid on and let cook ten minutes. Add chopped veggies and continue to cook on lowest setting until ready.

Astragalus Tea
-4 cups water
-4 sticks astragalus
Put water and astragalus into a quart jar and let sit at room temperature overnight. In the morning take the sticks out and enjoy the tea. this tea lasta for about 2 days.

Thanks Kami McBride for the info!