Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dee's Yummy Vegan Tacos

Dee's Yummy Vegetarian Tacos

What you will need:
~Blue Corn Tortillas (These are my favs. but you can use regular corn tortillas)
~Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
~Fresh Organic Basil
~Roma Tomatoes
~Fresh Peeled Garlic
~Garlic press
~Daiya Vegan Cheese Italian Shredded (You can find this at Whole Foods)

How to prepare:
~Heat Blue Corn Tortilla in pan, flip
~while in pan, spread olive oil evenly on blue corn tortilla on one side
~Press garlic and spread evenly lapping olive oil
~Spread Daiya vegan cheese italian shredded cheese evenly (make sure cheese melts)
~place basil leaves on daiya vegan cheese evenly
~Cut roma tomato and place over basil leaves
Quick and Yummy!! :-D

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