Sunday, November 21, 2010

Got Fibroids?

So this blog is for all the women that are going through or will go through what I have currently gone through and that is living life 2 years with uterine fibroids.
I was given a pelvic exam in Nov. 2008 and it was not normal. I then received an ultra sound in Feb. 2009 and this confirmed suspicions of having a uterine fibroid. I waited out 2009 to avoid having surgery because I was told by the surgeon at Harbor hospital-county in Torrance to have a hysterectomy and that was completely out of the question. I decided to change my diet in hopes that I could shrink my fibroid but it had already grown too large. I was desperate so I started to ask around and I was alarmed as to how many women either are living with uterine fibroids or have had them removed. I didn't have health insurance so I went through County-USC. I checked myself into the emergency room in April 2010 because I could no longer deal with the many symptoms I had. I had undergone lots of tests: pelvic exam, ultrasounds, pap smears, HSG, chest examination, EKG, uterine and blood work.  Through all that I had my myomectomy surgery on Nov. 9, 2010 and currently I am recovering.
Here are the symptoms that I had:
-feeling of fullness in the abdomen
-my abdomen started to grow and it looked as if I was pregnant-4-5months to be exact
-sharp pains in the abdomen
-frequent urination
-pain behind the knees
-edema in my ankles
-skin breakouts
-lower back pain
-melasma -face
-rapid weight gain
My fibroid was up to 11cm. And they detected one small (1inch) in the uterine wall. So I thought I was only dealing with 2 fibroids. The picture (black and white) will show you exactly how many there were.

You never have to have a hysterectomy. You just need to look around and do your research. Ask other women you may encounter (that's what I did). Referrals are great. That is why I went to USC. Also try to change your diet and eliminate fried, processed foods, sugar, dairy, and cut down on the soy. High estrogen levels in the body can cause a uterine fibroids to grow. Hope this information will help other women out there. Best wishes, Dee


  1. Well my goodness! I wish you a quick recovery.

  2. Thanks Blase! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Dee

  3. I Love the Blogg SiS..It is very Informative and I hope that everyone whom has someone(S) in there life that they cherish to pass this on and inform others....Love you Chiggs!

  4. Good job girl! Your Blog is great! :) <3 ya, Maria

  5. Nice info Dee, glad it's out!-

  6. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Misty! Thanks for posting the information.
    Love you,
