Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Groupon-Where you get fantastic, cheap deals. I love it!

If you don't know what Groupon is then you are missing out Big Time! I have gotten amazing deals on this site and when you sign up they will send you deals daily or weekly. Here is the link below. This is the referral link you are going to need. Enjoy! :-)


Monday, November 29, 2010


Here are 2 paintings I did this past week. Great way to kill time. :-)
1st one-Queen of Hearts
2nd one-Visual Whimsical

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Fan of Burt's Bees? Here is a deal you don't want to miss!

Burt's Bees Holiday Grab Bag
-50% off the regular price
-Free Fed Ex Ground shipping with a purchase of $40

Copy and paste the link below:

For him:

Yummy Holiday Recipes

Quick Pumpkin Pudding:

Cooking time: 15 minutes refrigerating
Yields: 7 servings (1/2 cup each)

1 pkg. (5 1/10 oz.) Vanilla instant pudding and pie filling mix
1 can (12 fl. oz.) Nestle Carnation Evaporated Lowfat 2% milk
1 can (15 oz.) Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 teaspoon Pumpkin pie spice
Fat free whipped topping (optional)

Preparation Directions:
Beat pudding mix and evaporated milk according to package directions in large bowl; refrigerate for 5 minutes. Add pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice; mix well. Spoon into dessert dishes. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until ready to serve. Top with whipped topping, if desired.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Got Fibroids?

So this blog is for all the women that are going through or will go through what I have currently gone through and that is living life 2 years with uterine fibroids.
I was given a pelvic exam in Nov. 2008 and it was not normal. I then received an ultra sound in Feb. 2009 and this confirmed suspicions of having a uterine fibroid. I waited out 2009 to avoid having surgery because I was told by the surgeon at Harbor hospital-county in Torrance to have a hysterectomy and that was completely out of the question. I decided to change my diet in hopes that I could shrink my fibroid but it had already grown too large. I was desperate so I started to ask around and I was alarmed as to how many women either are living with uterine fibroids or have had them removed. I didn't have health insurance so I went through County-USC. I checked myself into the emergency room in April 2010 because I could no longer deal with the many symptoms I had. I had undergone lots of tests: pelvic exam, ultrasounds, pap smears, HSG, chest examination, EKG, uterine and blood work.  Through all that I had my myomectomy surgery on Nov. 9, 2010 and currently I am recovering.
Here are the symptoms that I had:
-feeling of fullness in the abdomen
-my abdomen started to grow and it looked as if I was pregnant-4-5months to be exact
-sharp pains in the abdomen
-frequent urination
-pain behind the knees
-edema in my ankles
-skin breakouts
-lower back pain
-melasma -face
-rapid weight gain
My fibroid was up to 11cm. And they detected one small (1inch) in the uterine wall. So I thought I was only dealing with 2 fibroids. The picture (black and white) will show you exactly how many there were.

You never have to have a hysterectomy. You just need to look around and do your research. Ask other women you may encounter (that's what I did). Referrals are great. That is why I went to USC. Also try to change your diet and eliminate fried, processed foods, sugar, dairy, and cut down on the soy. High estrogen levels in the body can cause a uterine fibroids to grow. Hope this information will help other women out there. Best wishes, Dee