Friday, December 3, 2010

Please support film with a great message. Get the word out! :-)

After all the stunning headlines in the news and on the internet about bullying and gay teen suicide we felt compelled to do do something.  Since media shapes the society we live in, we felt if we could produce a film with a positive message, we could propagate change where it is most needed. 
The film is entitled "Love is all you need?" ( )   It tells a story that hasn't been told before - a story of an 11 year old girl in a society that is opposite ours - designed to stir awareness to teen suicide and promote acceptance and understanding within people who would not normally understand. 

We need to raise $25,000 to produce the film.  I know that times are still tight but even the smallest donation can help make a difference. 

PLEASE check out 
 to find out more about the project and to make a contribution if you can.


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